MasterWord offers comprehensive language and communication access solutions for public and private schools and school districts, colleges, and universities. 

MasterWord’s offers comprehensive language and communication access solutions for public and private schools and school districts, colleges, and universities. 

Communication Access Solutions

MasterWord offers a full array of DeafHard-of-Hearing, DeafBlind, and Blind communication access solutionsOur interpreters and communication specialists are highly qualified and certified professionals with experience in providing excellent communication outcomes in schools, colleges, universities, and other settings. 

Language Access Solutions

The MasterWord network of professional and highly qualified language professionals provides the most culturally and linguistically accurate and compliant translation and simultaneous and consecutive interpreting services.

Your Communication and Language Access Compliance Partner

The professionals at MasterWord assist through interpreting services, document translation, staff language proficiency assessments, cultural competency training, and program development in compliance with: 

Communication Access Solutions

In-Person Interpreting

Full array of DeafHard-of-Hearing, and DeafBlind communication access solutions provided by highly qualified and certified professionals with experience providing excellent communication outcomes in education. 

Video Remote Interpreting (VRI)

For shorter, straightforward or routine interactions such as unscheduled meetings where all parties are at the same location and an in-person interpreter is not available. 


Interpreting services offered through video conferencing platforms for remote meetings, lectures, or similar where all participants are located at different locations. 

CART Services

Communication Access Real-time Translation (CART) is most effective for students or parents who prefer this method of communication. 

Braille & Large Print

Our braille and large print solutions help make vital written communication accessible to students and families with vision impairments. 

508 Remediation

Our remediation solutions ensure documents and publications are fully accessible and compliant with Section 508 requirements.

Language Access Solutions


  • IEP, ARD, & Section 504 meetings 
  • Parent-teacher conferences 
  • Assemblies, town halls, special programs, seminars, etc. 
  • School Board meetings 

Over-the-Phone Interpreting (OPI)

  • Quick exchange of information  
  • Over-the-phone communication 
  • For unusual or rarely encountered languages 
  • Short connection times 

Video Remote Interpreting (VRI)

  • Unscheduled conferences or meetings 
  • Quick exchange of information 
  • Less common languages 

Virtual Interpreting

  • Virtual IEP, ARD, & Section 504 meetings 
  • Virtual parent-teacher conferences 
  • Virtual assemblies, town halls, special programs, seminars, etc. 
  • Virtual School Board meetings


  • IEP or Section 504 plan 
  • Code of Conduct 
  • Website translation & localization 
  • Audio transcription, voice over and subtitling services 
  • Other written public or parent communication
Feel confident you are complaint by ensuring communication and language access!

Schedule a Free Consultation with our Language Access Advisors

ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act)

The Americans with Disabilities Act is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities. The purpose of this law is to provide the same rights and opportunities through reasonable accommodations. 

IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Act)

Federal law that governs the special education programs in U.S. public schools in an effort to provide free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment for children with disabilities. 

Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973

Provides protection against discrimination for individuals with disabilities. This protects the students with disabilities from discrimination from any kind of school program or activity.

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance. Failure by a recipient to provide meaningful access to LEP persons can constitute national origin discrimination. 

From the Foreign Language Services Ordering Guide prepared by Members of the Language Services Procurement Committee, August 2016. 

Title III of the No Child Left Behind Act

Addresses language instruction for limited English proficient and immigrant students including the promotion of parental and community participation in language instruction educational programs for the parents and communities of limited English proficient children.

Executive Order 13166

Requires federal agencies to examine the services they provide, identify any need for services to those with limited English proficiency, and develop and implement a system to provide those services so LEP persons can have meaningful access to them. Also requires that federal agencies work to ensure recipients of federal financial assistance provide meaningful access to their LEP applicants and beneficiaries. Meaningful access is defined as language assistance services that result in accurate, timely, and effective communication with the LEP individual. 

Revised Health & Human Services
LEP Guidance

Outlines the skill areas for interpreters and translators to be considered competent or qualified to interpret and/or translate in compliance with Title VI prohibition against national origin discrimination. Also suggest that staff communicating directly with a limited English proficient person in a foreign language should be bilingual and competent to do so. 

Family Educational Rights and
Privacy Act

Protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education and generally requires written permission to release any information from a student’s education record. 


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