MasterWord offers a variety of remote interpreting solutions for each situation, including Over-the-Phone, Video Remote and Virtual consecutive or simultaneous interpreting. Our on-demand remote solutions are available in several languages instantly, while our scheduled solutions connect you to any of over 200 languages and specialties.

MasterWord offers a variety of remote interpreting solutions for each situation, including Over-the-Phone, Video Remote and Virtual consecutive or simultaneous interpreting. Our on-demand remote solutions are available in several languages instantly, while our scheduled solutions connect you to 250+ languages and specialties.

Why Choose MasterWord’s Remote Interpreting Services?

Our language solutions experts partner with our clients to identify the best remote interpreting solution to meet their unique needs. With nearly 30 years of experience, we understand that each situation has different specialization and language requirements and jointly design a targeted approach to meet their specifications. 

Security and Privacy Protection

MasterWord’s remote interpreting solutions utilize encryption and other privacy security measure in compliance with HIPAA/HITECH requirements to protect the private and confidential nature of your information. Additionally, our team of experts will design language solutions that take your privacy and data security requirements into consideration. 

Choosing a Modality for your Interpreting Need

Over-the-Phone Interpreting

Video Remote Interpreting


Remote Simultaneous Interpreting

Frequently Asked Questions

MasterWord recruits interpreters through professional associations and forums, conferences, job fairs, job boards, trusted referrals, university partnerships, student and alumni networks, community organizations, diversity programs, training events, webinars, and through a variety of initiatives including our Wellness Connection®. 

MasterWord is certified in compliance with ISO 13611:2014, Guidelines for Community Interpreting. Our interpreters’ qualifications are verified in conformance to this International Standard by seeking documented evidence of successful completion of language proficiency test, or other evidence of language proficiency in the interpreter’s working language(s) at a level recognized as adequate for interpreting. For example:  

  • National or State certification or licensure administered by a professional or government certifying agency—OR— 
  • A recognized degree or educational certificate in interpreting—OR— 
  • Successful completion of a language proficiency and/or interpreting assessment—OR— 
  • Membership in a national register of interpreters with clear qualification criteria 
Linguistic Competency Cultural

Awareness of linguistic styles and register. 

Knowledge of applicable subject area and specialized terminology. 

Understanding of regional varieties and accents. 

Familiarity with all involved cultures and belief systems. 

Awareness of underlying assumptions. 

Ability to act as a cultural broker. 

Exhibiting stereotype-free behavior. 

Understanding of the interpreter role. 

Delivering accurate and complete interpretations. 

Ability to manage communication flow. 

Using appropriate positioning skills. 

Knowledge of and adherence to professional code of conduct and code of ethics. 

Exhibiting neutrality and impartiality. 

Safeguarding privacy and confidentiality. 

Knowledge of and adherence to professional code of conduct and code of ethics. 

Exhibiting neutrality and impartiality. 

Safeguarding privacy and confidentiality. 


Attention to detail. 

Ability to perform under pressure. 

Ability to handle multiple priorities and quickly shift between tasks. 

Ability to practice sound judgment and manage change. 

Conference Community &
Public Services
Judicial Services Healthcare Education Technical 
Conference interpreter credentials (ex., AIIC3)–OR–validated prior experience and academic preparation as a conference interpreter. Demonstrated understanding of family protective/social services, housing, and other community-based and social-based systems and services. Federal, state or national certification or licensure (where required/available) – OR – must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the presiding authority the ability to interpret court proceedings. NBCMI or CCHI nationally certified– OR – must pass MasterWord’s Health Care Interpreter Assessment® (HCIA). Demonstrate understanding of U.S. education systems and programs – OR – holds related certification or academic preparation. Specialized education and/or technical experience in the subject domain (preferred) – OR – min. 2 yrs of applicable interpreting experience. 

MasterWord ensures quality through five primary verification of standard requirements, industry and specialty, project or contract specific requirement, and custom service order requirements. Additionally, MasterWord maintains ISO 9001:2015, Quality Management Systems, certified processes and ISO 13611:2014, Guidelines for Community Interpreting, compliant services. Finally, MasterWord’s robust performance indicators, and quality management process ensure compliance with all project and client requirements as well as continuous quality assurance and process improvement.

MasterWord understands that our clients rely on our team’s ability to protect the private and confidential nature of the information they may interpret or access in the course of their interpretation. For that reason, MasterWord has implemented and enforces a number of professional (standards of practice and code of ethics) and administrative (guidelines, policy, and confidentiality/Non-disclosure agreements) controls to protect our client’s information.


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