Language Assessments

As businesses and organizations service diverse populations with varying language and communication needs, the need for bilingual workers in many fields increases. At MasterWord, we take the quality of our language assessments (proficiency, interpreter skills, and translation) very seriously, a trait that our partners have come to depend on. 

As businesses and organizations service diverse populations with varying language and communication needs, the need for bilingual workers in many fields increases. At MasterWord we take the quality of our language assessments (proficiency, interpreter skills, and translation) very seriously, a trait that our partners have come to depend on. 

Language Proficiency Assessment

Tests an individual’s ability to communicate in a language based on established standards. It is recommended for those communicating directly in the tested language. 

Healthcare Interpreter Assessment

Tests an individual’s ability to meet the standards in order to be qualified as an interpreter. It is recommended for individuals who will facilitate communication between two or more parties. 

Language Proficiency

This is a short, free test of an individual’s level of preparation to complete a language assessment. It is not a valid and reliable means of testing language proficiency. It is one of many resources and tools to prepare individuals for testing. 

Tailored Translation Assessment

Tests an individual’s ability to translate the specific document type and content required for their particular role. It is recommended for individuals who will be tasked with providing quality written translations 

Testing Site

MasterWord’s headquarter is also an approved testing site for:

Gallaudet University Logo - University for the Deaf

American Sign Language Proficiency

CASLI - American Sign Language Assessment - Interpreting

Center for the Assessment of Sign Language Interpretation 

CCHI - Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters - Language Assessment Certification

Written Certified Healthcare InterpreterTM assessment

Frequently Asked Questions about our Language Assessments

All of MasterWord’s evaluators have been thoroughly trained and tested on the duties and responsibilities of evaluating each assessment. The minimum educational requirement for evaluators is a 4-year degree from an accredited University or College. Additionally, evaluators must demonstrate and possess extensive training, education, and/or experience in the domain they are evaluating. Finally, evaluators must maintain their evaluator designation by passing all performance reviews and staying in good professional standing.

For questions regarding a specific language, language combination, skill, or specialty, please contact us 

MasterWord’s assessments are available to business and organizations looking to evaluate their bilingual staff, as well as individuals who are looking for feedback from established language professionals in our field. Individuals can access our assessments at or by contacting usBusinesses or organizations looking to establish a testing process or who simply want more information about our assessments should contact us at [email protected] 

American Sign Language Proficiency Interview (ASLPI)

The American Sign Language Proficiency Interview (ASLPI) is a holistic language evaluation used to determine global ASL proficiency. The basic precept in this type of evaluation is to find out through a face-to-face interview what an individual can do with the target language at a given point in time. The ASLPI is a 20-25 minute video recorded interactive dialogue between the examinee and the interviewer. The interview is rated by a team of evaluators and examinees are awarded an overall proficiency level on a 0-5 rating scale. Language proficiency evaluation was originally developed by the Foreign Service Institute (FSI) of the US Department of State and has been used by the government for decades. Adaptations to the language proficiency evaluation were made with respect to ASL and the ASLPI was born. The ASLPI is utilized by agencies, schools, universities, programs and employers.

Center for the Assessment of Sign Language Interpretation

MasterWord is proud to be an approved testing site for the Center for the Assessment of Sign Language Interpretation (CASLI).  By working collaboratively with the Deaf and interpreter communities in defining professional standards and metrics, CASLI, a subsidiary of RID, was established for the purpose of development and delivery of testing that assesses the knowledge, skills, abilities, and competence of signed language interpreters for the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf  (RID) Certification Program. For more information on the testing process, please go to

The purpose of CASLI
The principal activity of CASLI shall be the development and administration of knowledge and performance tests that measure the proficiency of an individual to interpret between deaf individuals who use sign language and individuals who speak English. This testing is conducted solely for the purpose of RID, Inc. certification.


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